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Benz Petroleum SB
BPSB is availability of standardized storage capacity with common infrastructure to allow companies to store product at a location, other than their own, operated by an independent service provider. These oil and gas storage can be rented for periods of 1 month to several years. Tanks generally include (multi-purpose) jetty lines and truck loading / unloading facilities. All tanks have electronic level gauging and nitrogen blanketing possibilities. Against additional costs, specific facilities such as heating, chilling and insulation can be provided. If required, bonded storage can be obtained and has a bonded license and procedures with the local customs authorities in place.
Other strategic partners for the project included investors from America, EPCC Contractors and Product off-takers from China, and Crude suppliers from Middle East., for export to East Asia, India, China, Korea and Japan
BPSB indicated that the company had already secured initial funding from private funding via Bank of China, Barclays and HSBC London UK.
Economic Stimulant
BPSB’s is trading crude oil and gas and also expected to benefit some of the local oil & gas players, as more jobs along the value chain of the sector would be made available.
BPSB had said that it would award some of its project’s contracts to local companies. Analysts believe that the main beneficiaries of the project are likely to be fabricators and those involved in the downstream activities, with selective upstream players such as marine vessel service providers, gaining some advantage too. If the project in Perak were to become a reality, there would be spill over effects to the property sector, as land prices in the surrounding area would increase even as new property developments would take place. Besides that, property players with exposure to the Northern region in Peninsular Malaysia would likely benefit in this case. Local Contractors would also benefit as more infrastructure developments would be required to complement the project.